The player pool is the available pool of players interested in joining a team in the league. Team Reps are welcome to contact any player in the pool to recruit players for their team.
If you successfully recruit a player from the player pool, you must email the Player Coordiantor so she can remove the player(s) from the list.
Please use the 2024 Contact List for Board members and Team Representatives contact information (phone/email). If your information is not up to date, please let the Secretary know so we can update your information accordingly.
Teams are encouraged to submit a Referee Report Form to the Referee Administrator if they have concerns about a referee’s performance during the season. Reports must be submitted within 24 hours after the game is played, at which time the Referee Administrator will review the report and discuss any questions or concerns with the individual who submitted the report.
All reports will be recorded by the Referee Administrator and reviewed each year at the end of the season meeting in September by the Board and Team Reps. The league will take appropriate action when necessary.
Scores and standings will be posted on the league website, Facebook, and emailed within 48 hours of each game.
Team Representatives have 48 hours after the scores are posted (96 hours from the end of the game) to file a discrepancy with the Secretary. If the discrepancy is unable to be resolved between both team’s Representatives, the Secretary, and the Referee Administrator, the Board will review and resolve the case.
If you make a purchase on behalf of the league, you must submit an Expense Reimbursement Form. Please complete the form, attach all itemized receipts, and submit the form to the league Treasurer. Under “Business Purpose,” please explain what the purchase will be used for or why the purchase was made.